Making Family Meals Creative

adding creativity to family mealsI have been a big fan of Mo Willems for awhile now, so I'm very excited to be sponsored by Disney-Hyperion to highlight some of his books!  My girls adore Mo's books, too, and we have spent a lot of time laughing together over the adventures and mishaps of Gerald and Piggie.

making family mealtime funMy girls were SO excited to check out the new "We Are in an ART-ivity Book" featuring Elephant and Piggie!  We decided to take inspiration from Mo's talk I attended a couple of years ago, about putting paper down over the dinner table so everyone can doodle while they eat.  We put a tablecloth down first, and then a large piece of white butcher paper, and put the crayon lazy susan in the middle of the table, so everyone could grab drawing utensils.

The book is filled to the brim with little projects and drawings to make featuring some of our favorite Mo Willems characters (look at the elephants that Vivi and Brigie drew after following the directions in the book!!).

We set up the table for supper (such a fun way to make setting the table a little more exciting!), and the girls enjoyed an afternoon snack earlier in the afternoon so I could show you our little set up.  We made pumpkin muffins with googly eyes and glasses of cold milk for extra inspiration.

(Leotards and skirts from here!)

This is such a fun way to make mealtime a little more interactive, and also helps the littles stick around longer!  If they get done early, let them doodle around their plate, or try their hand at drawing Piggie.

This book is perfect for Vivi's age, as she can read the pages, and gets excited to do the activities (er, artivities!) on her own, but Brigie also loves it when Vivi reads the instructions to her and tells her what to do.

Ellie mostly loves to eat, and then "scribble scrabble," as Brigie calls it, on top of their doodles.

Such a fun and easy way to make mealtime even more fun, or snack time special!  My girls loved this, and we will definitely be keeping the book close so we can all enjoy it when we sit down together!  I'm excited to make this a part of our mealtime routine!


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